FOLDER on Existential Analysis
Folder on Existential Analysis - click here -
History:4 Masters - 4 Approaches
An Exploration of Existential Theory and Practice by
Emmy van Deurzen, PhD, Erik Craig, PhD, Alfried Längle, MD, PhD, Kirk Schneider, PhD,Each presenter has half a day with short presentation of the approach, life therapy demo, discussion and a panel discussion on Sunday 26Online zoom webinar September 24 - 26, 2021 / Längle on Sat 25, 18-21.30 CET (Vienna time) = 9-12.30 Pacific time We are excited to announce that for the first time, the four
contemporary leaders of the four major existential
psychotherapy schools of thought will come together and
present their specific theories and approaches, followed by a live
demonstration of how they work with a volunteer. The
conference will conclude with a panel of all four presentersOrganized by Existential-Humanistic North-West Information at ehnwpdx.orgfor presentation video click hereFor registration click here -
How to become more myself?
9th Existential Summit in Colombia with Alfried Längle
Columbia June 25 - July 1st, 2024 5 days seminars 4 hours each on prerequisites and processes for authenticity, identification, delimitation and encounter Open for all people working in the social, psychological and rehabilitative field, psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, physicians, social workerswww.mindbodypassport.com
info@mindbodypassport.com -
Emotionality – access, understanding, importance and limits
10th Existenntial Summit with Alfried Längle in Egypt
Egypt and Nile March 2 - 9, 2025 5 days seminars 4 hours each on the role of emotionality in life, how to access it in helping professions, role for values and relationships
Open for all people working in the social, psychological and rehabilitative field, psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, physicians, social workersDr. Leslee Brown info@mindbodypassport.com
www.mindbodypassport.com -
The Art of Involving the Person:
The Existential Fundamental Motivations as Structure of the Motivational ProcessPubl.: In A. Cantú, E. Maisel, & C. Ruby (Eds.), (2024) Theoretical Alternatives to the Psychiatric Model of Mental Disorder Labeling: Contemporary Frameworks, Taxonomies, and Models (pp. 487–503). Cambridge (UK): The Ethics International Press. ISBN (Hardback): 978-1-80441-276-3 Artikel Downloaden -
Doing Something That Makes You Happy Is Enough.
Interview with Alfried Längle (2021) for ITMO University St. Petersburg, April 21, 2021 Artikel DownloadenTo read the text in English click here -
Forgiving and Repenting
5th European Conference on Existential Therapy (organized by FETE) on "Building bridges"
Istanbul, Turkey sample May 24 - 25, 2024 The conference goes on bridging polarities like East and West, Individual and Society, Old and Young, adversive people https://www.existentialtherapies.org/https://www.existentialtherapies.org/ -
Phenomenology and Depth in Existential Psychotherapy
Längle A, Klaassen D (2019) Phenomenology and Depth in Existential Psychotherapy. In: J Humanistic Psychology Artikel Downloadenhttps://journals.sagepub.com/eprint/pJdypyZFmIK2F6mvBgyJ/full -
The 4 Fundamental Motivations - a short video
A 6 Minutes introduction showing the relevance of the 4 FM in a playful way - a gift of the Russian students for A. Längle's 70th birthday 2021, with english subtitles. -
Viktor Frankl, Logotherapy, Existential Analysis & the meaning of life
Online presentation at the weekend-university, London
Online October 31st, 2021, 1:00pm - 3:00pm GMT (2:00pm - 4:00pm in Austria) The presentation gives a brief introduction into Frankl’s life and work, my collaboration with him, and the background of the development of Frankl’s Logotherapy. With this meaning-centered approach Frankl made a substantial contribution to psychotherapy. Then will be outlined how it came to a new onset through a process oriented different paradigm on the basis of a strict use of phenomenological openness. This led to a complex, fourfould motivation-theory in which meaning and becoming is just one existential motivation, besides securing and expanding one’s being, enriching one’s life with pleasure and values, and finding and asserting oneself by encounter. The development of these four dimensions of existence layed ground for a fully fledged psychotherapy: the modern Existential Analysis which provides a broad access to the treatment of psychic suffering. We will outline the key to a fulfilling life, together with a short glimpse into the work with these existential motivations, including giving a tool to how individuals can live with a greater sense of meaning and purpose in their life. niall@theweekenduniversity.com -
Phenomenology in Psychotherapeutic Praxis: An Introduction to Personal Existential Analysis
Kwee JL, Längle A (2013) Phenomenology in Psychotherapeutic Praxis: An Introduction to Personal Existential Analysis. In: http://episjournal.com/journal-2013/phenomenology-in-psychotherapeutic-praxis Artikel Downloaden -
11 short videos
Short videos about acceptance/endurance, collaboration with Frankl, co-dependency, forgiveness, finding meaning, grieving, inner consent, jealousy/envy, procrastination, self-insecurity, love. -
existential analysis psychotherapy
Längle A (1990) Existential Analysis Psychotherapy. In: The Internat. Forum Logotherapy, Berkeley, 13, 1, 17-19 - part 1 Artikel Downloaden -
Emotionality - access, understanding, importance and limits
10th Existential Summit in Egypt - with Alfried Längle
Egypt and nile March 2-9, 2025 5 days seminars 4 hours each on the role of emotionality in life, how to access it in helping professions, role for values and relationships Open for all people working in the social, psychological and rehabilitative field, psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, physicians, social workerswww.mindbodypassport.com
info@mindbodypassport.com -
Forgiving and Repenting
Forgiving and repenting – How to work with that bridge building capacity? Key-note lecture at the 5th European Conference of FETE in Istanbul, 25. 5. 2024For video click here (1h13min) -
Davies G, Klaassen D, Längle A (2011) The Purpose in Life Test (PIL). In: Michalos A C (ed) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. Heidelberg/New York: Springer Artikel Downloaden -
Anxiety in a Troubled World – Discussion with Emmy van Deurzen, Alfried Längle and Kirk Schneider – Onlinevents
An event of the Existential Movement Worldwide on May 9, 2024To buy access click here -
What Are We Looking for When We Search for Meaning?
Längle A. (1992) What Are We Looking for When We Search for Meaning? Artikel DownloadenIn: Ultimate Reality and Meaning, Toronto vol 1, 4, 306-314 -
Development - Maturation - Ageing in counseling and therapy. The personal contribution to shaping life.
Lecture at the GLE Congress in Berlin on the topic of Shaping Life Stories - Biography and Freedom in Existential Analysis - May 5, 2024to listen to the enlish translation click here -
The renewal of humanism in psychotherapy: Summary and conclusion
Schneider K, Längle A (2012) The renewal of humanism in psychotherapy: Summary and conclusion. In: Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 480-481. doi: 10.1037/a0028026 - Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy. http://psycnet.apa.org/ Artikel Downloaden -
Positioning oneself. How to improve our presence in the world facing anxiety and depression (PEA + PP)
Key-note lecture at the 3rd World Congress of Existential Therapy in Athens, May 4, 2023 To see the video click here (55 min), for the record of the whole day of the conference click here -
Commentary: A European Perspective on the Position Papers
Kriz J, Längle A (2012) Commentary. A European Perspective on the Position Papers. In: Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 475-479. DOI: 10.1037/a0028027 - Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy Artikel Downloaden -
Viktor Frankl, Logotherapy, Existential Analysis & the meaning of life.
Lecture at the Weekend-University. London/Internet, 2021-10-31) To see video click here (1h48min) -
European Psychotherapy – special edition on Existential Analysis
Vol 4, Nr. 1, 2003A selection of English papers giving a survey on modern Existential Analysis encompassing themes like - Introduction into EA (LT)
- Existential fundamental motivations and the structural model of EA
- The process model of EA (PEA)
- Levels of application of existential-analytical methods
- Understanding and treatment of narcissistic disorders
- What is a “para-existential” personality-disorder?
- Existential analytical aspects of mental health
- Burnout
- Suicide
- The Existential Scale
- Addiction
Authors: Ch. Furnica, G. v. Kirchbach, M. Kundi, A. Längle, S. Längle, A. Nindl, Ch. Orgler, L. Tutsch, Ch. Wurm, E. Wurst
EUR 20,00 (book can be ordered at the author in Vienna) -
The Renewal of Humanism in European Psychotherapy: Developments and Applications
Längle A, Kriz J (2012) The Renewal of Humanism in European Psychotherapy: Developments and Applications. In: Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 430-436. DOI: 10.1037/a0027397 - Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy Artikel Downloaden -
To live with inner consent.
The contribution of Existential Analysis and Logotherapy to psychotherapy.
Presentation and case demo at the EHNW conference: 4 masters – 4 approaches (with Emmy van Deurzen, Eric Craig, Kirk Schneider) in Portland, Oregon, USA,Sept. 25, 2021, onlineTo watch the presentation, the case demo and the debrief and discussion afterward - click here (it gives you access also to the presentation of the other 3 speakers) -
The renewal of humanism in psychotherapy - introduction
Schneider K, Längle A (2012) Introduction: The renewal of humanism in psychotherapy: A roundtable discussion. In: Psychotherapy, Vol 49(4), Dec 2012, 427-429. doi: 10.1037/a0027111 - Special Section: Humanism in Psychotherapy Artikel Downloaden -
Essentials in life and in my life
An interview on May 28, 2021, with Natalie Frazer, London, for her hp www.existentialofferings.comTo listen to the audio click here (50 min) -
The Existential Fundamental Motivations Structuring the Motivational Process
Längle A. (2011) Leontiev DA (Ed) Motivation, Consciousness and Self-Regulation. Hauppauge, New York: Nova, pp. 27-42 Artikel Downloaden -
The Viennese School of Existential Analysis. The search for Meaning and Affirmation of Life
Längle A. (2012) Barnett L, Madison G (Eds) Existential therapy: Legacy, vibrancy, and dialogue. New York: Routledge, 2ß12, 159-170 Artikel Downloaden -
Existential challenges during the pandemic
Moscow/Internet, 2020 (27. 6.): Lecture at the online precongress "Psychotherapy to help citizens, families, groups, the whole society during a pandemic caused by coronavirus” of the 9th World Congress for Psychotherapy (postponed to 2021). Lecture in English language with Russian translation - for video click here (1h50min) -
Death, grief and meaning of life – how to deal with serious losses in life
Längle A. (2012) Introduction and Therapy Demonstration. Lecture at Adler School in combination with St. Paul’s Hospital and EA Canada (Nov. 8, 2012) Artikel DownloadenListen audio: afterthoughts by A. Längle -
Life With Inner Consent: An existential analytical approach in the search for meaning and fulfillment
Längle A. (2011) Lecture at Trinity Western University on November 8, 2011 Artikel Downloaden -
Längle A (2014) From Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy to Existential Analytic psychotherapy. In: European Psychotherapy 12, 67-83 Artikel Downloaden -
Emotionality – An Existential-Analytical Understanding and Practice
Längle A. (2011) Trnka R, Balcar K, Kuska M (Eds) Re-Constructing Emotional Spaces. From Experience to Regulation. Prague: Prague College of Psychosocial Studies Press, 2011, 41-62 Artikel Downloaden -
Emotional Aspects of Individual Existence: existential-analytical theory of emotion
Längle A. (2010) Key-note address at the Whole-Russian conference on Psichologij Individualnosti, Psychological Faculty of Higher School of Economy (HSE) in Moscow (Dec. 1st, 2010). - Englich & Russian transl Artikel Downloaden(Click here to listen audio) -
Längle A. (2009) Viktor Frankl. In: Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology, Vol 1. Malden: Wiley, 412-413 Artikel Downloaden -
The Process of Diagnosis in Existential Analysis (EA)
Längle A (2008) Bartuska H, Buchsbaumer M, Mehta G, Pawlowsky G, Wiesnagrotzki S (Eds) Psychotherapeutic Diagnosis. Guidelines for the New Standard. New York: Springer, 83-90 Artikel Downloaden -
Meaning: from a life of inner consent to the detection of spirituality
Längle A (2007) Meaning: from a life of inner consent to the detection of spirituality. Presentation at the Canadian Research Institute of Spirituality and Healing and Department of Psychiatry of UBC, Vancouver (July 17, 2007). Artikel Downloaden -
Life with Inner Consent
Längle A. (2013) An existential analytical approach in the search for meaning and fulfillment. Artikel DownloadenPresentation for the Canadian Society for Existential Analysis at St. Paul’s hospital, Vancouver B.C. (February 13, 2013) -
Existential Analysis in Action: Phenomenological Encounter and Psychotherapy - october 18, 2007, Vancouver B.c.
Längle A. (2007) In this presentation, Dr. Längle overviews existential analytical psychotherapy, discusses common misunderstandings about existential psychotherapies, and highlight the practical and applied nature of existential analytical psychotherapy. Additionally, he outlines an existential understanding of personhood and shows how an existential approach to therapy and counselling engages the client at the personal or spiritual/noetic level. A live therapy demonstration with Dr. Längle follows the introduction (part II). Artikel Downloaden -
sykes: The Search for Meaning and the Spiritual Side of Psychological Health
Sykes B-M (2007) The Search for Meaning and the Spiritual Side of Psychological Health: Alfried Längle’s Theory of Existential Analysis. Paper read at the 3rd International Conference on Spirituality and Mental Health – Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario Canada, May 3 – 4, 2007 Artikel Downloaden -
Viktor Frankl – Advocate for Humanity
Längle A, Sykes B.-M. (2006) Viktor Frankl – Advocate for Humanity: On his 100th Birthday. In: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 46, 1, 36-47 Artikel Downloaden -
The prerequisites to find personal meaning
- grounded on the structure of existence - Keynote address on the IMEC Meaning conference, Roehampton Univ. London, July 1-2, 2017For power point pictures - click hereTo listen to audio - click here -
The Search for Meaning in Life and the Existential Fundamental Motivations
Längle A (2005) The Search for Meaning in Life and the Existential Fundamental Motivations. In: Existential Analysis (London) 16, 1, 2-14 Artikel Downloaden -
Meaning Finding Method
Precongress Workshop at the IMEC congress on meaning at Roehampton Univ. June 30, 2017 To listen audio part 1 - click hereTo listen audio part 2 - click here -
Personality Disorders and Genesis of Trauma - Existential Analysis of Traumatized Personality Disorders
Längle A (2005): Personality Disorders and Genesis of Trauma - Existential Analysis of Traumatized Personality Disorders. In: Existenzanalyse 22, 2, 4-18 Artikel Downloaden -
The Search for Meaning in Life and the Existential Fundamental Motivations
Längle A (2004) The Search for Meaning in Life and the Existential Fundamental Motivations. In: International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy 1, 1, 28-37 Artikel Downloaden -
Objectives of Existential Psychology and Existential Psychotherapy
Längle A (2004) Objectives of Existential Psychology and Existential Psychotherapy. In: International Journal of Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy 1, 1, 99-102 Artikel Downloaden -
Meaning and fulfillment in life - the approach of EA.
Sens i spełnienie w życiu — podejście analizy egzystencjalnejLecture at the Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) Oct. 26, 2016 – English-Polish translation To listen audio click here (will be connected) -
Suffering – an existential challenge
published enlarged: Längle A (2009) Warum wir leiden. Verständnis, Umgang und Behandlung von Leiden aus existenzanalytischer Sicht. In: Existenzanalyse 26, 1, 20-29 Artikel Downloaden -
Viktor E. Frankl - a biographical encounter
Längle A. (2003) Viktor E. Frankl - a biographical encounter. Trinity Western Univ. (Febr. 28, 2003) Artikel Downloaden -
Existential approaches to the treatment of anxiety
Längle A. (2003) Full day seminar for practitioners and students. Trinity Western University (March 1st, 2003) Artikel Downloaden(Click here to listen audio) -
The Art of Involving the Person
Längle A. (2003) The Art of Involving the Person. In: European Psychotherapy 4, 1, 25-36 Artikel Downloaden -
Basic principles of Existential Psychotherapy
Lecture at the Conference “Gorizonty Psichologii” of the Peterburgskaja Nedelja Pichologii 2016, April 24 For power point slides click here - for audio (English with Russian translation) click here -
The Method of “Personal Existential Analysis”
Längle A. (2003) The Method of “Personal Existential Analysis”. In: European Psychotherapy 4, 1, 37-53 Artikel Downloaden -
Burnout – Existential Meaning and Possibilities of Prevention
Längle A. (2003) Burnout – Existential Meaning and Possibilities of Prevention. In: European Psychotherapy 4, 1, 107-121 Artikel Downloaden -
The Existence Scale. A new approach to assess the ability to find personal meaning in life and to reach existential fulfilment
Längle A., Orgler Ch., Kundi M. (2003) The Existence Scale. A new approach to assess the ability to find personal meaning in life and to reach existential fulfilment. In: European Psychotherapy 4, 1, 135-151 Artikel Downloaden -
A record of a webinar on "finding meaning in life", April 23rd (3 hours) To listen audio record here for part 1 and click here for part 2 -
Existential Analytical Aspects of Mental Health
Kundi M., Wurst E., Längle A. (2003) Existential Analytical Aspects of Mental Health. In: European Psychotherapy 4, 1, 87-96 Artikel Downloaden -
The Search for Meaning in Life and the Fundamental Existential Motivations
Längle A (2003) The Search for Meaning in Life and the Fundamental Existential Motivations. In: Psychotherapy in Australia, 10, 1, 22-27 Artikel Downloaden -
Existential fundamental motivations
Längle A (2002) Existential fundamental motivations – paper read August 16, 2002 at the IFP-World Congress, Trondheim Artikel Downloaden -
Old age from an existential-analytical perspective
Längle A. (2001) Old age from an existential-analytical perspective. In: Psychological Reports 89, 211-215 Artikel Downloaden -
Existential Questions of the Elderly
Längle A., Probst Ch. (2000) Existential Questions of the Elderly. In: Intern. Medical Journal 7, 3, 193-196 Artikel Downloaden -
A short description of existential fundamental motivations
Längle A (1998) A short description of existential fundamental motivations. Engl. translation of a part of : Lebenssinn und Psychofrust - zur existentiellen Indikation von Psychotherapie. In: Riedel L. (Hg.) Sinn und Unsinn der Psychotherapie. Basel: Mandala, 1998, 105-124 Artikel Downloaden -
Suffering of Old Age. Specifics of Old Age from an Existential-analytical Perspective
LÄNGLE A. (1995) Suffering of Old Age. Specifics of Old Age from an Existential-analytical Perspective. In: Hofmann P., Wieselmann G., Zapotoczky H.G. (Eds.) International Conference on Aging, Depression and Dementia. Wien: Maudrich, 189-194 Artikel Downloaden -
Existential Questions of the Elderly
LÄNGLE A., PROBST Ch (1995): Existential Questions of the Elderly. In: Hofmann P., Wieselmann G., Zapotoczky H.G. (Eds.) International Conference on Aging, Depression and Dementia. Wien: Maudrich, 163-168 Artikel Downloaden -
A practical application of Personal Existential Analysis
Längle A (1993) A practical application of Personal Existential Analysis (PEA) – a therapeutic conversation for finding oneself. Engl. translation of the German article in Bulletin der Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existentzanalyse 10, 2, 3-11 Artikel Downloaden -
Paradoxical Intention is no symptom prescription
Längle A (1986) Paradoxical Intention is no symptom prescription. Artikel DownloadenA letter -
Existential motivations in enterprises
Längle A. (2007) Existential Motivations in Enterprises. - Paper read at the facultiy of practical psychology of Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow (Nov. 26, 2007). - English & Russian transl Artikel Downloaden -
What is Man Looking for, when He Searches for Meaning?
LÄNGLE A. (1993) What is Man Looking for, when He Searches for Meaning? In: Psychiatria Hungarica, 1993 Februar, VIII, 1, 41-48 Artikel Downloaden -
Life with inner Consent: An Existential-Analytical Approach in the Search for Meaning and Fulfillment.
Public lecture at St. Pauls Hospital and Canadian Society for EA in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, on February 13, 2013 Now on YouTubeDescription: All people have a deep desire of a life which is worth living and provides happiness -- real, lasting happiness, which is more a feeling of fulfillment. Life of course has its claims, difficulties, adversities, tragedies and needs skills to be dealt with. What are the capacities we have and need to lead life in such a way that we can feel anchored and in touch with values and meaning? What enables us to overcome the difficulties? How can we manage anxiety, depression -- and come to a deep feeling of satisfaction? What hence is happiness? Our existence is built on fundamental motivations which enable a life with inner consent -- the key to finding meaning and inner fulfillment. The presentation describes this access and gives practical cues for the realisation of an existentially mattering life. A question and answer period concludes the presentation. -
Existential Analysis: An Introduction and Therapy Demonstration
2007 (17. Okt.) Vancouver: UBC (Univ. British Columbia, Psychol. Departement) (3 hours) Video YouTube -
Meaning: from a life of inner consent to the detection of spirituality
Public lecture at the Canadian Research Institute of Spirituality and Healing and Department of Psychiatry of UBC. Vancouver, B.C. July 17, 2007 (2 hours). Video YouTube